Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Is Empowerment Technology Important?


 Empowerment Technology, also known as E-Tech, is frequently concerned with the use of various technologies such as mobile phones, telephones, computers, and other devices to locate, save, communicate, and inform. Empowerment Technology is important because of its innovative applications in our daily lives. Empowerment Technology is important for three reasons: communication, making our lives easier, and making our lives more enjoyable. 

Empowerment Technology is important because it serves as a means of communication. Many gadgets and other devices have improved its uses over the years. Previously, a mobile phone was only used for texting, calling, and playing simple games. Because of technological convergence or the way technology changes or evolves its system, a cellular phone is now used for more than just texting, calling, and playing games. It is now used for communicating with people from other places via the internet and applications or softwares such as facebook, messenger, twitter, viber, kakao talk, and so on, which are consistently used by the majority of us. Without these applications or softwares, we would be unable to communicate with people who live far away on a daily basis. Because Empowerment Technology is well-known among all of us, communicating with people who live far away will no longer be a problem. Friendships that had been shattered by distance can now be repaired thanks to the use of Empowerment Technology.

Empowerment Technology is important because it makes our lives easier in a variety of ways, including school matters, office or work matters, and personal matters. Previously, blackboards and whiteboards were among the tools used in the classroom to teach students. There are now LCD projectors that are widely used in many institutions and schools. We'd all be stuck with those visual aid presentations if we didn't have these presentation softwares. Empowerment Technology not only saves time, but it can also make our lives easier.

Empowerment Technology is important because it aids our country's modernization plans. We now live in a world where everyone is updating their systems. It's referred to as modernization. Empowerment technologies can aid in modernization by strengthening our plans to compete with other countries by developing new technologies for the betterment of our country. The Philippines has the potential to compete with other countries such as Finland, Japan, and the United States – and its success in the field of technology has far exceeded everyone's expectations. 

''Empowerment Technology is important, for without E-Tech, it will hinder our future success in the field of technology.'' 



For more information about ICT or Empowerment Technology, here's a video from youtube:

credits: ICT Tech Tips 

Reflection in Empowerment Technology


        Technology is one of the most popular things in today's world. Nowadays, technology controls everything, including ourselves and the activities we used to engage in; everything is changing, and technology is changing us all. Teachers now have new ways to empower student learning as technology has become more prevalent in the classroom. In modern education, there is a focus on assisting students in taking control of their learning and becoming responsible for their education, which is accomplished by teaching them using the most current method of teaching and educating, which is accomplished by empowering students through the use of technology.

           Empowerment technology is a fantastic idea for students like me who want to learn more, understand more, and socialize more. Using technology is very convenient and easy to use; you get more information faster, and it is very applicable in education. As a student, I learn better by utilizing technology, and empowerment technology teaches us how to use technology in a more responsible manner, and this is accomplished through education. I've learned a lot about empowerment technology and how it can help us learn more about ICT (Information Communication Technology). I learned about the WWW or World Wide Web, internet, static and dynamic web pages, key features, semantic web, several problems with 3.0, mobile technologies, trends in ICT, mobile OS, how to be safe online, six types of social media, internet threats, and many other topics. And these lessons prepare me, the new generation, or millennials, to be responsible enough to use technology as a tool for education.

As we all know, technology is very useful in today's society, but it is also slowly destroying us. Remember, "Think before you click," because you hold the key to your success.

Is Empowerment Technology Important?

    Empowerment Technology , also known as E-Tech, is frequently concerned with the use of various technologies such as mobile phones, telep...